Contraints for multi-select values

Demo how is it possible to change the visiblity of a element depending on several values of a selection

Demo 1


When option 2 AND option 3 are selected the answer is accepted.

When option 2 AND option 3 are NOT selected the answer is not acceptable.



Unfortunately is it not possible to add mutliple contraints on a elemet at the moment. That could only solved by script.

It's ok

It's not ok

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Demo 2


When option 1 OR 2 OR 3 are selected the answer is accepted.



Because the options have a int value could be used the condition lower than or equal to.


Visible if selOptionsQ2 lower than or equal to 3. Other option could be the condition regular expression 1|2|3 (is the current constraint).

It's ok

Demo 3


The difference between the entered day and today is less then 1 year is accepted.

The difference between the entered day and today is not a acceptable value.



Because it is necessary to calculate the value, that can be only solved by script.

It's ok

It's not ok

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